Principality of Monaco. Science that makes Business by protecting the environment

Luxus Milano presents the power of Innovation and Eco-Sustainability

Innovation and sustainability: a combination capable of generating the winning mix for the Economy of tomorrow. The research and study of new materials, the use of green energy sources, the artificial intelligence and the development of an even more capillary and reactive network of IT infrastructures, represent in fact the horizon of the new global market, where now the most valuable and important exchange is that of knowledge. A transversal and 360 degree knowledge, able to make Science interact creatively with the art of Storytelling, that means also telling oneself through one's products. Evidences of this are Luxus Milano, its CEO and founder Paola Sermidi and the polyhedric framework of the Principality of Monaco, chosen as the location of an event dedicated to Sustainability in the field of Luxury Interior Design.



(Cover and photographs kindly granted by Luxus Milano)

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Articolo pubblicato il 20/09/2019